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Huisartsenpraktijk Maters
Schoolstraat 1 9163GE
Nes Ameland


Welcome to the website of De Skoal Surgery where you will find all the necessary information.


De Skoal, Surgery and Pharmacy
H. Maters, GP
Schoolstraat 1
9163 GE Nes Ameland
Tel. 0519-542018
Fax. 0519-543021
Emergency: 0519-542018, Option 1


In case of emergency call the emergency line 112!

In case of wounds or other urgent problems, please come to the Surgery directly. If possible please give us a call so that we can expect you.

Opening hours

The Surgery is open during weekdays from 8am to 12am, and you can call us between 8am en 5pm.
From 12am to 1.30pm the Surgery is closed for lunch, but emergencies will be attended to.
The Pharmacy is open during weekdays, except for Wednesday afternoon, from 3.30pm to 5pm.

Make an appointment

Routine appointments are available every weekday. To make an appointment please contact us

From 8 am to 10 am you can call the Surgery for an appointment or make one directly at the counter. If possible we ask you to make an appointment a couple of days in advance. If you would like to be booked the same day please let us know as early as possible and we will try to arrange it for you.

Appointment times are scheduled every 10 minutes. If you think that you need more time or have more problems to discuss with your doctor please inform us. The desk will then book more appointment time for you. During busy hours our assistants might ask you to specify your complaint. This is called ‘triage’. This enables our assistentes to make a better judgment of your problem. It may also help the doctor to better prepare your visit. But, it is by no means an obligation and only meant to improve our services and to make i t more efficient. If you prefer not to specify your complaint you can mention this at the time of making the appointment. Both the assistants and the GP’s are treating your information at all times confidentially.

Through our web agenda you will soon be able to make appointments online. This web agenda is not intended for urgent or life-threatening situations. In case of doubt please contact our desk first.

During the summer (July and August) we also offer the service of one hour between 11 am and 12 am that you can attend without booking. Patients will be seen after registering with the desk on a first-come-first-serve base.

Telephone advice

Our assistants can be contacted on weekdays from 8am to 5pm, and in many cases they can provide you with a professional advice. If necessary they will consult the GP. If you call for test results please call us after 1.30pm, except for Wednesday afternoon. If appropriate we will put you through with the GP.

Home visits

Home visits are reserved for those patients who are too ill or infirm to get to the surgery.

If you do require a home visit, please telephone the surgery from 8 am to 10 am or as early as possible so that the doctors can plan their rounds which usually take place in the afternoon.

As we offer better facilities here at our surgery we would like to ask you to come here if possible.

As unexpected emergencies or deliveries can unexpectedly interrupt our schedule we cannot give you an exact tiem when the home visit will take place, though it will most likely be the same afternoon/early evening.

Home visits should not be requested if it is simply inconvenient to travel here.

Repeat prescriptions

For repeat prescriptions we ask you to [provide us with the original packaging. This contains name, strength, dose and quantity of the drug or drugs you require. Please help us to avoid mistakes. You can also order your repeat prescriptions by Telephone or using our automated prescription line (choice 2).

You can also drop the part of the packaging containing the details in our yellow letterbox at the desk of the pharmacy.

Soon repeat prescription requests will be available online. You can view your own medication overview which makes it easier as you don’t need to specify the names of your medication time and time again.

Please allow for up to 48 hours  for delivery as we need to check everything for correctness.

You can pick up your prescriptions every weekday from 3.30pm to 5pm, except for Wednesday afternoon. You can also pick up your prescriptions (after opening hours) by accessing the delivery point to the right of the surgery with your personal PIN code. Please ask at the desk for your possibilities.

Medication prescribed during you appointment can usually be picked up immediately provided that it is/they are on stock.

Out of hours service

Out of hours and weekend emergencies will be attended to by the GP on call. Upon calling our surgery you will be told which surgery to call.

Weekdays out of hours services run from 5pm to 8am the following day.

Please contact us first before coming to the surgery.

The other surgery providing out of hours service is:

T.M. Louwes
Nesserweg 4
9162 ET Ballum Ameland
Tel. 0519-554175

Assistants and practice nurse

Our assistants are responsible for a smooth organization of our surgery and will help you to get contact the GP. It is for this reason that they will sometimes ask you additional information. They are legally bound to treat every information confidentially.

The assistant is your first contact person when calling with the surgery. She will make appointments for you and arrange for home visits. You can also contact her for advice concerning practical things, referrals, prescriptions en payments. You can also give her a call to ask for test results or repeat prescriptions.

For these things our assistants can be contacted:

  • wound dressings
  •  removal of stitches
  •  removal of cerumen
  • cervical smears
  • injections/immunizations
  • urine samples
  •  pregnancy test
  •  hearing test
  • treatment of warts
  • tension measurements
  • leaflets on various subjects

It is in our interest to organize our surgery as efficiënt as possible. We therefore kindly ask of you to respect the following schedules when calling the surgery to give our assistants the chance to work undisturbed where necessary:

8 am to 10 am: appointments, home visits and prescriptions
1.10 pm: test results
3.30pm to 5pm: recollection of prescriptions at the pharmacy

Our Practice Nurse is a specialized nurse that takes over a few tasks normally fulfilled by the GP. She is responsible for regular controls of our diabetics, high blood pressure and lung diseases such as COPD and asthma. She fulfills her tasks under the supervision of the GP. Two days a week she is in the surgery and sees the patients. To make or cancel an appointment please contact the desk.